Piles are a very common problem in the Indian population. An estimated 75% of the population suffers from or has suffered from piles at any point in their lives. However, in some cases, piles surgery may be required. It all depends on the severity and nature of the problem. Therefore, piles are not a problem to be embarrassed about. If you think you are suffering from piles, visit Dr. Rengan at Home of Healing Surgical Center in Chennai, who is an expert in treating the same.
What are piles?
Piles, also called hemorrhoids, are a condition in which the veins in the back passage get swollen and cause discomfort, pain, itching, or bleeding while passing stool. Sometimes, it can be very alarming because the bleeding can be sudden and painless, leaving bright red streaks in the toilet.

There are two types of internal and external hemorrhoids.
Despite being a common problem, it can be a source of great stress and discomfort to many people. Nevertheless, it is easily diagnosable and treatable, and therefore, it is advised that you seek a medical opinion if suffering from toileting issues. Even a basic medical consultation can help in figuring out the issue and ruling out more insidious causes of the same symptoms.
Dr.Rengan has had over 20 years of experience in treating problems of the lower digestive passage and is well suited to address your concerns about any issues you may have. Dr. Rengan is one of the best surgeons in Chennai to perform piles surgery.
What causes piles?
As mentioned earlier, it is the presence of distended veins in the rectum and anus that is the cause of all these issues. Veins usually distend when under strain, and in this situation, it is often caused by:
- Straining while using the toilet
- Excess weight (obesity)
- Diarrhea or constipation for a long time
- Sitting on the toilet for a long time
- A low-fiber diet, causing hard stools
- Pregnancy
- Regular heavy lifting (manual labor or weight-lifting)

I have noticed bleeding while using the toilet. Is it piles?
While piles are one of the most common causes of bleeding from the back passage, it is important not to dismiss that symptom without a medical checkup. Rectal bleeding can also be caused by dangerous conditions like colorectal cancer or anal cancer, especially if you are over the age of 50 or have a history of cancer in the family. Similarly, if you have been experiencing changes in toilet habits like recent constipation/diarrhea or changes in stool color or size, medical attention is definitely warranted.
Some of the symptoms that are typical of piles are:
- Swelling around the back passage
- A feeling of obstruction and discomfort while passing stool
- Itching in the area
- Pain that is mild-moderate (However, long-term piles can lead to other problems that cause severe pain).
- Bleeding from the back passage may be accompanied by pain.
Is there anything I can do by myself before visiting the doctor?
Of course! There are a lot of measures that can be taken before visiting the doctor.
- To begin with, stop straining. Try not to go to the toilet unnecessarily or stay there for extended periods of time trying.
- When you feel the urge to go to the toilet, don’t delay and go as soon as you can. Otherwise, the stool can dry out and become hard.
- Eat a high-fiber diet. This can be done by increasing the number of fruits and vegetables in the diet or by using a fiber supplement. Roughage helps in the easy passage of stool. Fiber intake must be supplemented by adequate water intake.
- Drink more water. Fiber supplementation is useless if your water intake is too low. Water helps to soften stool, aiding in easy defecation.
- Exercise. Regular exercise helps prevent constipation and keeps blood flow healthy. It also helps in losing weight, which is a contributory factor to the formation of hemorrhoids.
If no improvement is being seen even after 10-14 days of following all this, seek medical attention without further delay.
If you are pregnant or have any other medical conditions, seek medical help before taking any over-the-counter supplements.
How can piles be diagnosed?
At the doctor’s clinic, first, a detailed history of symptoms will be asked. After this, an examination of the back passage will be done in a private and secure manner. In most cases, hemorrhoids can be diagnosed at this stage. If other conditions are suspected or imaging is necessary, further tests will be prescribed.
Is surgery necessary for Piles?
Piles surgery is rarely the first option. As mentioned earlier, lifestyle changes should be your first go-to. The doctor will advise the same. However, if those lifestyle changes have not worked, some other options can be tried before opting for surgery. Your doctor might prescribe oral pain relievers and stool softeners. Suppositories and ointments for the area may also be prescribed to reduce pain and swelling.
Some suppositories may also help with lubricating the area for better stool passage. There are some non-surgical procedures that can be done as well including rubber-band ligation (the hemorrhoid is tied off from its blood supply, which can help it fall off), sclerotherapy (an injection with a substance that makes the hemorrhoid collapse and scar), and coagulation (where it is burnt off). However, these interventions cannot be used in all scenarios and may have the risk of failure. In such scenarios, surgery will be offered.
Two types of Piles surgery are often done:
- Hemorrhoidectomy: The hemorrhoid tissue is completely surgically removed. This is used in severe cases and is also the recommended procedure if a clot has formed in hemorrhoids.
- Hemorrhoid Stapling: The hemorrhoid is surgically stapled in a circumferential manner so that the protruding tissue is pushed back to its normal position.
The choice of Piles surgery will depend on the nature of the problem. Any treatment must be decided based on your needs and situation, in consultation with the surgeon. Not all these procedures work in all scenarios. Therefore, careful consideration of the individual circumstances must be taken.
Why choose Dr. Rengan to perform piles surgery?
At Home of Healing Surgical Center, our team led by Dr. Rengan deals with many patients with piles. We report a high satisfaction rate because of our patient-centric approach. As mentioned earlier, we will exhaust all other possibilities before prescribing surgery.
We will also make sure that no major illness or disease is missed while starting your treatment. If you have noticed blood in your stool or are having discomfort while defecating, do feel free to pay us a visit so we can guide you on the best course of action.